Friday, 20 February 2009

Perfect World Perfect World BOTS and Hacks *5 STAR* Perfect World Game Client Download

Game Information
Perfect World International is the newest iteration of the multiple award-winning MMORPG known throughout the world as Perfect World II. Initially launched in China as a subscription-based game, Perfect World’s conversion to a free-to-play model established a level of quality not found in other free-to-play titles. Perfect World International aims to be the ultimate version of this immensely popular role-playing game. - Official Description.

  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Status: Final (est. release N/A)
  • Retail Price: n/a
  • Monthly Fee: n/a

  • Perfect World is the most interesting FTP game to come out in a long time. It is attracting devoted WoW players as well as a lot of players from other games.

    The high level of versatiflity, for instance, in building your characters, is awesome unlike other games where you have to ask for the best build, etc.

    The maps are huge, you can fly, swim, walk or even ride a mount. Everyone can have pets but only one class has combat pets. The character design is simply awesome... the different times of day (sun and moon phases, day/twilight, sunny or raining, etc), the changing seasons (falling leaves, snow, etc) make it so realistic that even flying through it all seems like a normal state.

    The community is mature enough not to engage in stupid comments or infantile diatribes that are usual in other games and are always ready to help.

    There are so many quests for players up to level 60 (I think) and even beyond, that grinding is not an issue and even then, it's not boring.

    Most of all, their staff members are friendly and courteous, and they provide useful guides which are easily understood by all.


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    LegendMo said...

    join a free to play server recently opened: to experiance this wonderful mmorpg

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