The bot is based on memory editing, SendMessage and SendMessageA.
it can be work fully minimized/hidden, there's a "Status-Bar" you can toggle on/off.
this Status-Bar help you to "watch" your char's stats while the game is minimized/hidden.
you can also completely "hide" the client (the game) and the bot will keep on working.
the bot has been made for the CBT about month ago, but it is still working well.
How to:
1. Download the bot and extract it to any folder you like to.
2. Start the game and login into the game.
3. Start the bot and enter the password (the password is written at the end of the post).
4. Config the bot as you wish.
5. Tick a monster (ingame of course) and hit F9.
6. Enjoy! =)
F8 Toggle show/hide the client.
F9 Start (the bot).
F10 Pause (the bot) and settings-window.
F11 Exit.
Very important:
Please follow the direction that written at the Misc tab (in the bot window).
there's a spot for each skill/action:
Skills - slots 1-8
HP Potions - F1
MP Potions - F2
Meditation - F3
Pickup - F4
Buffs - slots F5-F8
If you're running the bot while the client is minimized/hidden,
the bot will use memory-editing to "tick" monsters,
due to this fact, the char will be able to use skills ONLY!
so.. take into consideration!
If you're running the bot while the client is minimized/hidden,
you should put your ingame skill bars this way:
The 'Numeric-Bar' should be at top-left of screen.
the 'Function Keys-Bar' shoul be at the top-right of screen.
There are some bugs when bot is minimized so it works better when active!
Bot's password: FXP_Rules
The mediafire link has .exe type bot, so some softwares may detect it as a virus
links are dead could you please reupload?
לא ידעתי אתה ישראלי :D
אחי אתה יכול לעלות את הבוט שוב?אני גם מאפקספי
can u reupload the link again plz
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