one is with controlclick and one is without controlclick
the difference is the controlclick one works but will send u to autoclick jail within 10mins
the without controlclick one does take over ur mouse, but will not send u to autoclick jail (well at least didnt when i tested for an hr)
updates include:
1. all clicks will be unique, meaning that they wont click at the same XY repeatly
2. check whether user is using vista, if yes, then tooltip will be disable
3. soundbeep will be default as off
4. check version and notify user if there exists newer version
PATCH 5067
CharName address for un-modify [Conquer2.0] clients: 0x57B604
Debug cases will be automatically ignored/rejected
unless provided a screenshot for me to debug.
(Read the solving problem section first, or Debug v1.2 program )
1. Open CO-1024x768
2. Make sure "show name"
3. Open ELSEpath and set your settings
4. Press OK in tab "File" when u are done
5. Input CharName for checking memory address
6. If correct, the program will ask u to set path points
7. After u set certain path points, press Cancel in order to start
8. Done!
If u have wrong address, it means either it is using a outdated address, or u have a modify client. and u can do the following steps to get it work quickly
1. Download the Debug (at the download section below this)
2. Open the program, and type in your character name while your client is login
3. Wait 20-30 seconds, and copy down the character address
4. Open ELSE
5. Go to ADV tab
6. In the CharName box, type in the new address that u found
7. Check the "Confirm edit" CheckBox
8. Go to File Tab, and press OK to save setting + start
for advance people
1. Open cheatengine (Can be downloaded in Cheat Engine)
2. Hook CO client
3. In the SearchBar, type in your CharacterName
4. below it, change the ScanType to text
5. Press "First Scan" button
6. Copy down the first address in the result lists on the left column
7. Change the 00ABCDEF to 0xABCDEF
7. Open ELSE
8. Go to ADV tab
9. In the InputBox, type in the new address that u found
10. Check the "Confirm edit" CheckBox
11. Go to File Tab, and press OK to save setting + start
use it for fun / if u cant run the program properly
well, this is a program exactly what it sounds like..Debug the possible errors that u have with ELSEpath
Debug is a program that check exactly all the requirements that ELSEpath needs
for example, first step, u need to input character name
then after few seconds of searching memory address
it will produce something like this:
Debug v1.2
ELSEpath v1.7
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